- AbstractEntryProvider — Class in namespace Simply\Container
- Abstract entry provider that provides the most basic provider initialization functionality.
- Container::addEntry() — Method in class Container
- Adds an entry to the container.
- Container — Class in namespace Simply\Container
- Dependency Injection Container that supports different types of entries.
- ContainerBuilder — Class in namespace Simply\Container
- Class that provides convenience functionality for setting up containers.
- CallableEntry — Class in namespace Simply\Container\Entry
- Container entry that uses a callable to determine the value for the entry.
- CallableEntry::createFromCacheParameters() — Method in class CallableEntry
- Initializes the entry from the given container cache parameters.
- EntryInterface::createFromCacheParameters() — Method in class EntryInterface
- Initializes the entry from the given container cache parameters.
- FactoryEntry::createFromCacheParameters() — Method in class FactoryEntry
- Initializes the entry from the given container cache parameters.
- MixedEntry::createFromCacheParameters() — Method in class MixedEntry
- Initializes the entry from the given container cache parameters.
- ProviderEntry::createFromCacheParameters() — Method in class ProviderEntry
- Initializes the entry from the given container cache parameters.
- WiredEntry::createFromCacheParameters() — Method in class WiredEntry
- Initializes the entry from the given container cache parameters.
- ContainerException — Class in namespace Simply\Container\Exception
- Base exception for all exceptions thrown from the container.
- $Container#entries — Property in class Container
- EntryProvider — Class in namespace Simply\Container
- Interface for classes that provide container entries.
- EntryInterface — Class in namespace Simply\Container\Entry
- Interface to facilitate different kinds of container entries.
- FactoryEntry — Class in namespace Simply\Container\Entry
- Provides a wrapper for other entries to disallow caching of returned values.
- AbstractEntryProvider::getMethods() — Method in class AbstractEntryProvider
- Returns provided list of all classes returned by the container methods.
- Container::getCacheFile() — Method in class Container
- Returns PHP code for a cached container that can be loaded quickly on runtime.
- Container::get() — Method in class Container
- Returns value for the container entry with the given identifier.
- ContainerBuilder::getContainer() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
- Returns the container that is being built.
- EntryProvider::getMethods() — Method in class EntryProvider
- Returns list of provided container entries and associated methods.
- CallableEntry::getCacheParameters() — Method in class CallableEntry
- Returns the container cache parameters for the entry.
- CallableEntry::getValue() — Method in class CallableEntry
- Returns the value for the container entry.
- EntryInterface::getCacheParameters() — Method in class EntryInterface
- Returns the container cache parameters for the entry.
- EntryInterface::getValue() — Method in class EntryInterface
- Returns the value for the container entry.
- FactoryEntry::getCacheParameters() — Method in class FactoryEntry
- Returns the container cache parameters for the entry.
- FactoryEntry::getValue() — Method in class FactoryEntry
- Returns the value for the container entry.
- MixedEntry::getCacheParameters() — Method in class MixedEntry
- Returns the container cache parameters for the entry.
- MixedEntry::getValue() — Method in class MixedEntry
- Returns the value for the container entry.
- ProviderEntry::getCacheParameters() — Method in class ProviderEntry
- Returns the container cache parameters for the entry.
- ProviderEntry::getValue() — Method in class ProviderEntry
- Returns the value for the container entry.
- WiredEntry::getCacheParameters() — Method in class WiredEntry
- Returns the container cache parameters for the entry.
- WiredEntry::getValue() — Method in class WiredEntry
- Returns the value for the container entry.
- Container::has() — Method in class Container
- Tells if the entry with the given identifier exists in the container.
- AbstractEntryProvider::initialize() — Method in class AbstractEntryProvider
- Returns a new instance of the entry provider.
- EntryProvider::initialize() — Method in class EntryProvider
- Loads the entry provider when loaded by the container.
- CallableEntry::isFactory() — Method in class CallableEntry
- Tells if we should not cache the value because the entry is a factory.
- EntryInterface::isFactory() — Method in class EntryInterface
- Tells if we should not cache the value because the entry is a factory.
- FactoryEntry::isFactory() — Method in class FactoryEntry
- Tells if we should not cache the value because the entry is a factory.
- MixedEntry::isFactory() — Method in class MixedEntry
- Tells if we should not cache the value because the entry is a factory.
- ProviderEntry::isFactory() — Method in class ProviderEntry
- Tells if we should not cache the value because the entry is a factory.
- WiredEntry::isFactory() — Method in class WiredEntry
- Tells if we should not cache the value because the entry is a factory.
- MixedEntry — Class in namespace Simply\Container\Entry
- A standard container entry that may be any value or a closure used to determine that value.
- NotFoundException — Class in namespace Simply\Container\Exception
- Exception that indicates an identifier that is not found in the container.
- Container::offsetExists() — Method in class Container
- Tells if the entry with the given identifier exists in the container.
- Container::offsetGet() — Method in class Container
- Returns value for the container entry with the given identifier.
- Container::offsetSet() — Method in class Container
- Adds a container entry with a mixed type.
- Container::offsetUnset() — Method in class Container
- Removes an entry from the container.
- ProviderEntry — Class in namespace Simply\Container\Entry
- Container entry that loads the value using a separate entry provider.
- ContainerBuilder::registerConfiguration() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
- Registers an array with identifier value pairs to the container as mixed entries.
- ContainerBuilder::registerProvider() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
- Registers the given provider as a callable and applicable methods as provider methods.
- ContainerBuilder::registerAutowiredClasses() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
- Registers classes that can be wired automatically based on constructor arguments.
- Container::setDelegate() — Method in class Container
- Sets the delegate container that is provided for dependency resolution.
- WiredEntry — Class in namespace Simply\Container\Entry
- Represents an entry that is wired based on constructor arguments.
- Container::__construct() — Method in class Container
- Container constructor.
- ContainerBuilder::__construct() — Method in class ContainerBuilder
- ContainerBuilder constructor.
- CallableEntry::__construct() — Method in class CallableEntry
- CallableEntry constructor.
- FactoryEntry::__construct() — Method in class FactoryEntry
- FactoryType constructor.
- MixedEntry::__construct() — Method in class MixedEntry
- MixedType constructor.
- ProviderEntry::__construct() — Method in class ProviderEntry
- ProviderEntry constructor.
- WiredEntry::__construct() — Method in class WiredEntry
- WiredEntry constructor.