ApplicationClass in namespace Simply\Application
The core application that runs the main middleware stack.
ApplicationProviderClass in namespace Simply\Application
Provides the default dependencies required by the application.


CallbackHandlerClass in namespace Simply\Application\Handler
A handler that calls the given callback to generate the response.
DiactorosHttpFactory::createServerRequestFromGlobals() — Method in class DiactorosHttpFactory
Generates a server request from the globals.
HttpFactoryInterface::createServerRequestFromGlobals() — Method in class HttpFactoryInterface
Generates a server request from the globals.


DiactorosHttpFactoryClass in namespace Simply\Application\HttpFactory
A http factory that uses Zend's Diactoros library to generate the server request.


ErrorHandlerClass in namespace Simply\Application\Handler
A simple handler that sends a 500 error response.
ErrorHandlerMiddlewareClass in namespace Simply\Application\Middleware
Basic error handler middleware that forwards all exceptions to given request handler.


ApplicationProvider::getApplication() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
Returns the configured web application.
ApplicationProvider::getMiddlewareHandler() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
Returns the default middleware stack that is run for every request.
ApplicationProvider::getNotFoundHandler() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
Returns the request handler used for 404 responses.
ApplicationProvider::getErrorHandlerMiddleware() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
Returns the middleware used to route exceptions to the error handler.
ApplicationProvider::getErrorHandler() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
Returns the request handler for handling exception responses.
ApplicationProvider::getRouterMiddleware() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
Returns the router middleware used to route requests to appropriate handlers.
ApplicationProvider::getHttpClient() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
Returns the http client used to communicate to the browser.
ApplicationProvider::getHttpFactory() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
Returns the factory used create requests and responses.
ApplicationProvider::getRequestFactory() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
Returns the standard Request factory.
ApplicationProvider::getResponseFactory() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
Returns the standard Response Factory.
ApplicationProvider::getServerRequestFactory() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
Returns the standard ServerRequest Factory.
ApplicationProvider::getStreamFactory() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
Returns the standard Stream Factory.
ApplicationProvider::getUploadedFileFactory() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
Returns the standard UploadedFile Factory.
ApplicationProvider::getUriFactory() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
Returns the standard Uri Factory.


CallbackHandler::handle() — Method in class CallbackHandler
ErrorHandler::handle() — Method in class ErrorHandler
MiddlewareHandler::handle() — Method in class MiddlewareHandler
NotFoundHandler::handle() — Method in class NotFoundHandler
HttpClientClass in namespace Simply\Application
The http client that facilitates sending responses to the browser client.
HttpFactoryInterfaceClass in namespace Simply\Application\HttpFactory
A factory that provides the server request generated from globals.


ServerApi::isHeadersSent() — Method in class ServerApi
Tells if the headers have been sent and no more headers can be provided.
ServerApi::isConnectionAborted() — Method in class ServerApi
Tells if the connection to the user have been terminated and no more output can be sent.


MiddlewareHandlerClass in namespace Simply\Application\Handler
A middleware stack that acts like a request handler.


NotFoundHandlerClass in namespace Simply\Application\Handler
A simple handler that sends a 404 response.


HttpClient::omitBody() — Method in class HttpClient
Tells the client to omit the body from the response.
ServerApi::output() — Method in class ServerApi
Outputs the given string to the browser.


MiddlewareHandler::push() — Method in class MiddlewareHandler
Adds a new middleware to the stack.
ErrorHandlerMiddleware::process() — Method in class ErrorHandlerMiddleware
RouterMiddleware::process() — Method in class RouterMiddleware


Application::run() — Method in class Application
Runs the application middleware stack for the request and sends the response.
RouterMiddlewareClass in namespace Simply\Application\Middleware
Routing middleware that uses router to point requests to appropriate handlers.


HttpClient::setServerApi() — Method in class HttpClient
Sets the api used to communicate to the client.
HttpClient::setResponseChunkSize() — Method in class HttpClient
Sets the size of the chunks in bytes that are sent to the browser.
HttpClient::send() — Method in class HttpClient
Sends the given response to the browser.
ServerApiClass in namespace Simply\Application
The default system api used to interact with the browser.
ServerApi::sendHeaderLine() — Method in class ServerApi
Adds a header line to be sent to the browser.


Application::__construct() — Method in class Application
Application constructor.
CallbackHandler::__construct() — Method in class CallbackHandler
CallbackHandler constructor.
ErrorHandler::__construct() — Method in class ErrorHandler
NotFoundHandler constructor.
MiddlewareHandler::__construct() — Method in class MiddlewareHandler
MiddlewareHandler constructor.
NotFoundHandler::__construct() — Method in class NotFoundHandler
NotFoundHandler constructor.
HttpClient::__construct() — Method in class HttpClient
HttpClient constructor.
ErrorHandlerMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class ErrorHandlerMiddleware
ErrorHandlerMiddleware constructor.
RouterMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class RouterMiddleware
RouterMiddleware constructor.