- Application — Class in namespace Simply\Application
- The core application that runs the main middleware stack.
- ApplicationProvider — Class in namespace Simply\Application
- Provides the default dependencies required by the application.
- CallbackHandler — Class in namespace Simply\Application\Handler
- A handler that calls the given callback to generate the response.
- DiactorosHttpFactory::createServerRequestFromGlobals() — Method in class DiactorosHttpFactory
- Generates a server request from the globals.
- HttpFactoryInterface::createServerRequestFromGlobals() — Method in class HttpFactoryInterface
- Generates a server request from the globals.
- DiactorosHttpFactory — Class in namespace Simply\Application\HttpFactory
- A http factory that uses Zend's Diactoros library to generate the server request.
- ErrorHandler — Class in namespace Simply\Application\Handler
- A simple handler that sends a 500 error response.
- ErrorHandlerMiddleware — Class in namespace Simply\Application\Middleware
- Basic error handler middleware that forwards all exceptions to given request handler.
- ApplicationProvider::getApplication() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
- Returns the configured web application.
- ApplicationProvider::getMiddlewareHandler() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
- Returns the default middleware stack that is run for every request.
- ApplicationProvider::getNotFoundHandler() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
- Returns the request handler used for 404 responses.
- ApplicationProvider::getErrorHandlerMiddleware() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
- Returns the middleware used to route exceptions to the error handler.
- ApplicationProvider::getErrorHandler() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
- Returns the request handler for handling exception responses.
- ApplicationProvider::getRouterMiddleware() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
- Returns the router middleware used to route requests to appropriate handlers.
- ApplicationProvider::getHttpClient() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
- Returns the http client used to communicate to the browser.
- ApplicationProvider::getHttpFactory() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
- Returns the factory used create requests and responses.
- ApplicationProvider::getRequestFactory() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
- Returns the standard Request factory.
- ApplicationProvider::getResponseFactory() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
- Returns the standard Response Factory.
- ApplicationProvider::getServerRequestFactory() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
- Returns the standard ServerRequest Factory.
- ApplicationProvider::getStreamFactory() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
- Returns the standard Stream Factory.
- ApplicationProvider::getUploadedFileFactory() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
- Returns the standard UploadedFile Factory.
- ApplicationProvider::getUriFactory() — Method in class ApplicationProvider
- Returns the standard Uri Factory.
- CallbackHandler::handle() — Method in class CallbackHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- ErrorHandler::handle() — Method in class ErrorHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- MiddlewareHandler::handle() — Method in class MiddlewareHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- NotFoundHandler::handle() — Method in class NotFoundHandler
- {@inheritdoc}
- HttpClient — Class in namespace Simply\Application
- The http client that facilitates sending responses to the browser client.
- HttpFactoryInterface — Class in namespace Simply\Application\HttpFactory
- A factory that provides the server request generated from globals.
- ServerApi::isHeadersSent() — Method in class ServerApi
- Tells if the headers have been sent and no more headers can be provided.
- ServerApi::isConnectionAborted() — Method in class ServerApi
- Tells if the connection to the user have been terminated and no more output can be sent.
- MiddlewareHandler — Class in namespace Simply\Application\Handler
- A middleware stack that acts like a request handler.
- NotFoundHandler — Class in namespace Simply\Application\Handler
- A simple handler that sends a 404 response.
- HttpClient::omitBody() — Method in class HttpClient
- Tells the client to omit the body from the response.
- ServerApi::output() — Method in class ServerApi
- Outputs the given string to the browser.
- MiddlewareHandler::push() — Method in class MiddlewareHandler
- Adds a new middleware to the stack.
- ErrorHandlerMiddleware::process() — Method in class ErrorHandlerMiddleware
- {@inheritdoc}
- RouterMiddleware::process() — Method in class RouterMiddleware
- {@inheritdoc}
- Application::run() — Method in class Application
- Runs the application middleware stack for the request and sends the response.
- RouterMiddleware — Class in namespace Simply\Application\Middleware
- Routing middleware that uses router to point requests to appropriate handlers.
- HttpClient::setServerApi() — Method in class HttpClient
- Sets the api used to communicate to the client.
- HttpClient::setResponseChunkSize() — Method in class HttpClient
- Sets the size of the chunks in bytes that are sent to the browser.
- HttpClient::send() — Method in class HttpClient
- Sends the given response to the browser.
- ServerApi — Class in namespace Simply\Application
- The default system api used to interact with the browser.
- ServerApi::sendHeaderLine() — Method in class ServerApi
- Adds a header line to be sent to the browser.
- Application::__construct() — Method in class Application
- Application constructor.
- CallbackHandler::__construct() — Method in class CallbackHandler
- CallbackHandler constructor.
- ErrorHandler::__construct() — Method in class ErrorHandler
- NotFoundHandler constructor.
- MiddlewareHandler::__construct() — Method in class MiddlewareHandler
- MiddlewareHandler constructor.
- NotFoundHandler::__construct() — Method in class NotFoundHandler
- NotFoundHandler constructor.
- HttpClient::__construct() — Method in class HttpClient
- HttpClient constructor.
- ErrorHandlerMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class ErrorHandlerMiddleware
- ErrorHandlerMiddleware constructor.
- RouterMiddleware::__construct() — Method in class RouterMiddleware
- RouterMiddleware constructor.